Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Feeling Out of My Comfort Zone

I noticed that many classmates are saying they enjoy this class (MLIS 7505), and it isn't that I do not, but I feel so overwhelmed that it seems like I'm visiting a foreign country. Somehow this technology stuff has gotten way ahead of me!  It takes a huge amount of time and commitment to even take part in something as simple and straightforward as Twitter--at least for this class.  I'm hoping I get in the swing of things before the class actually ends.  I'm a fast-paced reader and keep up fairly well usually, but what with all of the assignments, the short time span we have for this class, and the tweeting, blogging and required reading, I may just be out of my element in a big way.  Did I mention I work full time in a public library and am totally in charge of my branch's summer reading program and ALL that that entails??  Can someone throw me a life saver (not the candy)??  I'm also trying to keep up with all of my classmates' wonderful blogs, and I feel like I'm missing a lot.  Everyone seems so smart, witty and fun.  I hope I get to read all of  your blogs before all of this ends!


  1. Thanks, Linda, for your comments. I have never really had a problem sharing, but I want to do a good job, and so much of this seems foreign to me. I do hope some expertise comes from this experience! I'm glad to have someone like you in my similar "boat," though. I do get to interact with some awesome people, it looks like!

  2. I totally agree with Linda. Especially about not liking the "my life on the front page" aspect. But like you said, that's a character trait we have to get over.
    Darla, just remember its only 3 weeks. We can survive anything for 3 weeks!
