The other day, I went into the teen area, where a teen girl had plopped herself on a boy's lap. "You need to go ahead and get off of his lap," I told her calmly. She didn't move. I said it again, a little more firmly. A mom, whose son I had just helped onto the game computer, charged forward and declared, "The lady just told you to get off of his lap!" This particular mom, not the mom of this teen girl, was rather intimidating in size but completely polite and friendly. The teen girl saw her coming with purpose and jumped right on off that lap. I told the mom she was my new best friend. I told her son, "Your mom rocks!" Later the mom and I laughed about it, and I told her someone had asked me if that lady was the girl's mother. I answered, "No, just a caring citizen!" The mom told me that her mom would have slapped her silly if she had behaved that way in public. I had a similar mother, myself.
Some days people really come through for you! Ah, life in the library....
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Libraries as makerspaces9 years ago
The Big One....11 years ago
Freedom11 years ago
Assignment 4 - Option 1: All Done !11 years ago
Really? This is it?!11 years ago
Google Docs Assignment 4 Link11 years ago
Final Post11 years ago
Twitter Paper11 years ago
Assignment #4 Option #111 years ago
I had to tell one that she needed to wear a whole shirt to come into the library. She actually came in sporting a see through shirt and a bright colored bra. It was embarrassing for all involved.